MOSCOW REQUESTS ISRAEL AND PALESTINE, THE VOLTAGES NOT TO ESCALATING MOSCOW, 2 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). Moscow requests Israel and Palestine to show and further voltage escalation avoid perseverance and reason, is called it in the press release of the State Department of the RF. From the Palestinian areas causing concern messages are received, are called it in the document. Acts of terrorism and force are continued. The West Jordan territory and the Gaza Strip are still locked. " this loaded increasingly the situation in the Middle East and makes the resumption more difficult of the Arab-Israeli regulation ", in the message of the State Department is stressed. In this connection Moscow refers to the necessity that the Palestinians and Israeli take measures immediately, in order to normalize the situation and to create a cooperating in the safety area. Measures are particularly important for frightening the blockade of the Palestinian areas, in which for the moment the socialeconomic problems zuspitzen themselves dangerously. In this connection the assertions do not promote the reorganization of the atmosphere " by means of possible chute of the Israeli troops to the areas of the Palestinian national autonomy " by any means, in the State Department of Russia are stressed. Moscow is the opinion that one must strive for ways to the resumption of the political dialog and conceive perspective of the Palestinian-Israeli regulation. " the long-term crisis only thus can be overcome; only in such a way one can the position of the Palestinian population facilitate and the extremists by right point ", in the document is stressed. Russia is for his part still ready to promote regional stabilization and an advancing of the peaceful Middle East process max. in the Russian external office was determined.