LIES OF THE RUSSIAN LADY JOURNALIST MOSCOW, the 2 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). The check in Chatun does not have proven that on the area of the regiment stationed there allegedly pits are created, in those humans was held. This avowed Vladimir Kalamanow, particular agent of the president for human rights, on a press conference in the Russian information center. Those scandalously well-known Anna Politkowskaja, which is specialized in bubble sensations in the newspaper " Nowaja gaseta ", " discovered " such " pit prisons ". Kalamanow stressed that he together with the public prosecutor Tschetscheniens Wsewolod Tschernow, which south Nikolai Britwin and the representative of the administration of Chechnya, secretary of the security council Dudajew the two regiments visited deputy representative of the president in the district, which Politkowskaja had called. The particular agent was led on the same route as Politkowskaja. Kalamanow was accompanied by the same officer, who set also the lady journalist. It five pits were shown, whereby " none was filled up ". The first pit was for a tank, which intends second - for waste water from the bath and third - for garbage. Besides there were two shelters, in which the personnel was with the bombardments. That corresponds according to Kalamanow with the descriptions of Politkowskaja.