ACCUSATIONS APPROXIMATELY MILOSEVIC DOES NOT ACKNOWLEDGE BELGRADE, 2 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Sergej Rjabikin). The accusation that the Yugoslav former president Slobodan Milosevic sold 173 kg of gold into Switzerland, did not acknowledge itself. The gold, which was driven out from the SRJ end of the previous year, belongs to a foreign owner. Vladan Begovic, director of the Yugoslav customs administration, explained on Friday that this gold in Yugoslavia in the preparation enterprise in the city boron was processed. The enterprise brings in already since 10 years concentrate, which is then processed on behalf of the foreign companies in gold. That is a normal external trade activity, said Vladan Begovic. The inch organs stopped the last post gold - 50 kg - in the airport Belgrade, which was dispatched into Switzerland. In the result it was stated that it concerns a completely legitimate business.