ALVARO GIL ROBLES: POSITIVE DYNAMICS ON REGULATION OF THE SITUATION IN CHECHNYA MOSCOW, 2 March. / Galina Filippowa, correspondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. Alvaro Gil Robles, commissioner of the Council of Europe for human rights, referred to positive dynamics with the regulation of the situation in the Chechnian republic. That indicated Dmitri Rogosin, chairman of the international parliamentary committee, after the meeting with Gil Robles to the journalist. As the delegate said, the president of Russia will be informed about the suggestions on the regulation of the situation in Chechnya, which the commissioner of the Council of Europe for human rights stated. In answer of the question of the RIA " Nowosti " Dmitri Rogosin refused describing which suggestions it concerns thereby, and stressed only that it concerns thereby serious recommendations, which are useful its opinion after from the point of view of the strategy and tactics of the regulation of the situation in Chechnya. Rogosin means that Alvaro Gil Robles does not deal with itself with questions of the regulation of the situation in Chechnya with the target to move " into the focal point of the general attention like some Europeans did, the Chechnya visited ". The delegate explained: " Robles is to Russia friendly and means that Europe von Konflikten, similarly the situation in Chechnya, is to free itself similarly the regulation in Northern Ireland in Great Britain, similarly the regulation in Spain opposite the Basques. "