THE GOVERNMENT DID NOT DETERMINE YET, WHICH ECONOMIC POLICY WOULD BE IN RUSSIA TO OBEYING MOSCOW, 2 March. / Korr. of the RIA " Nowosti " /. in the medium-term strategy of the government of Russia for 2002-2004, that is prepared at present in the Ministry for restaurant economics and trade, gives it still serious diverging points. The avowed German Gref, Minister for economic development of Russia, in the discussion with journalists. After its words the office led by it determined meanwhile still no final version of the economic policy, which needs the country for medium-term perspective. Even ones are therefore suggested all existing versions of this politics of the Russian government, that will have to select the even necessary. Gref stressed particularly that in Abaengigkeit of it, which economic policy is executed in the country in the future the perspectives of Russian employers and the work of foreign investors in Russia will turn out. As is to be expected, a design of the medium-term strategy of the government in the economic sector is submitted to the Minister cabinet in coming April.