RUSSIAN PARLIAMENT CHAIRMEN LOCK ITS ATTENDANCE IN TSCHECHIEN OFF PRAGUE, 2 March. / Viktor Prussakow, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. as friendly defined the chairman of the federation council of Russia Jegor Strojew its meeting with Tschechiens president Vaclav Havel. The chairman of the upper house of the Russian parliament concluded its official attendance in Tschechien on Friday. The words of Strojew after it had brought the Czech highest representative greetings of Russian president Vladimir Putin and the desire to co-operate and in Tschechien a meeting of the two heads of state execute in the future. As Strojew indicated had been taken up, by Havel with satisfaction. The Czech president gave the interestingness at friendly contacts with Russian politicians printout. " open-endedness is the foundation of our relations ", quoted the chairman of the federation advice the words of Havel.