GREECE AND CYPRUS: MILOSEVIC NO CASH DEPOSITED IN YOUR BANKS BELGRADE, 2 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Sergej Rjabikin). The speaker of the Greek State Department disproved categorically the speculations that the Yugoslav former president Slobodan Milosevic deposited proceeds from the sales of 173 kg of gold on an account into Greece. The gold was sold allegedly in Switzerland. The check showed according to the Greek diplomat that such statements are groundless. Similar assertion gave also the government to the Republic of Cyprus. Its speaker Michalis Papapetrou stressed that the zypriotischen authorities checked this information several times. The checks did not bring proofs. In the meantime in Zurich the circumstances are still clarified, under which from Yugoslavia 173 kg of gold were dispatched. One speculates that the gold was set into Switzerland in the previous autumn by a local company. The feed was acknowledged by the Swiss zoellnern. Meanwhile there is no proof for it that Milosevic deposited proceeds from the gold sales into its account, said a representative of the Swiss Ministry of Economic Affairs.