RUSSIA TRANSFERRED TODAY PARIS CREDITOR CLUB 32.2 MILLIONS USD TO THAT MOSCOW, 2 March. (RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Alla Issajewa). Russia transferred 32.2 millions USD to the member countries Paris creditor clubs. That is a payment rate for the repayment of the land charge after the not-restructured credits. Thus in February the due payments were fulfilled to that Paris club. This avowed before the press vice-prime minister and Minister of Finance of the RF Alexej Kudrin. Altogether to that Paris club in February 1 billion 305 millions USD were transferred. This amount contains the interest and the payment rate of the land charge. Within a monthly Russia that Paris club besides still 50 per cent of debts after the January payments will disburse. With this amount only the land charge is paid, which was beforehand not restructured.