RUSSIA * GOVERNMENT * KLEBANOW * ANTI-MISSILE DEFENSE MOSCOW: IT IS COMES PREMATURELY TO STRUCTURE an ANTI-MISSILE DEFENSE COMMON SYSTEM WITH the VRCh MOSCOW, 2 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). Vice-prime minister Ilja Klebanow is the opinion that it is sometimes premature to take position to the messages after which Russia and the VRCh an anti-missile defense system construct together can, if the USA from the ABM contract of 1972 separate. The vice-prime minister stressed before the press that " any counter measures are only conceivable, if the USA actually withdraw from the contract ". " it does not have a sense to intimidate someone under these conditions. One must prove that such actions destroy, underlined the power survey in the world " Klebanow. It noted on the other hand that China and Russia turned categorically against the withdrawal of the USA from the ABM contract.