RUSSIA EXPECTS THAT THE UKRAINE IN REALITY BECOMES YOUR INDEBTEDNESS OPPOSITE RUSSIA ERASING MOSCOW, 2 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. Russia will be ready to support the Ukraine in question of the restructuring of the Ukrainian debts opposite that Paris club if Kiew will undertake real steps for the solution of the problem of its indebtedness opposite Russia. That indicated the journalists the vice-prime minister and Minister of Finance of the RF Alexej Kudrin. To its words it goes primarily around the ratification of the " zero-version " of the agreement over debts and active of the ex USSR through the Ukrainian parliament. Additionally Moscow counts on real steps of the Ukraine with the solution of the problem of the debts for Russian gas supplies. The vice-prime minister reminded of the fact that the " zero-version " of the agreement, which had been concluded by the republics of the former union in the period of the decay of the USSR designates that Russia takes all debts of the USSR and all active, inclusive property abroad, on itself. Most succession states of the USSR ratified already the present agreement. The last but one of it was Georgien which ratified the present agreement in this February. The Ukraine is today the only country, which did not ratify the present agreement. Kudrin underlined that with the solution of the question over restructuring of the Ukrainian debts opposite that Paris club Russia must assume its own interests.