VICE-CPrime MINISTER: RUSSIA BECOMES WITH SOUTH KOREA IN THE AREA AIR AND OF THE GROUND FORCES CO-OPERATION MOSCOW, 2 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Dmitri Snamenski /. in the memorandum signed in the course of the Soeul attendance of president Vladimir Putin is not called the concrete nomenclature of Russian arms, which can be supplied from Russia to Korea. The avowed vice-prime minister the Ilja Klebanow on Friday and stressed that in the document only the directions and the total of military-technical co-operation are certain. After its words experts of the two countries have to concretize this topic in the course of two months. How Klebanow said, it concerns co-operation on the area of air and of the ground forces. At the same time, the vice-prime minister noticed, can it theoretically around the development of a common training aircraft as well as the supplies of new helicopters Ka-50-2 on the basis of the prototype " Erdogan " concern. But that is, underlined Klebanow a further mark, only a direction of co-operation. Concrete had not been treated during the negotiations in Soeul.