LIES OF THE RUSSIAN LADY JOURNALIST MOSCOW, 2 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). Wsewolod Tschernow, public prosecutor Tschetscheniens, explained that the messages of the mass media could not be proven over " filtration stocks " on the area of the paratroop regiment of the air landing troops. The public prosecutor checked liberties, and Rudnik Dudajew, secretary of the society security of the republic in community with Vladimir Kalamanow, Sonderbeautfragter of the president of Russia for the adherence to of the people or citizen rights and -, beforehand the information of the lady journalist of the " Nowaja gaseta " Anna Politkowskaja at the assigned post of the regiment carefully. They would have found there neither " pit prisons " nor " filtration stocks ". The passengers, whom there were there according to Politkowskaja, were not also discovered. Nichtdestoweniger is checked the adherence to the lawfulness by the Foederalkraefte also further, said Tschernow. Lady journalist Politkowskaja became by her unchecked and scandalous accusations to the Foederalkraefte as well as thus admits that she called the Russian officers publicly " pigs ". She operates for the " Nowaja gaseta ", their messages is not very convincing.