RUSSIAN PAGE IS FOR THE MEETING ALSO WITH A NEW PRIME MINISTER OF JAPAN READY HANOI, 2 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. The Russian page is ready for the meeting also with a new prime minister of Japan, even if the Japanese page will be ready for such a meeting. The avowed RIA " Nowosti " the deputy minister of foreign affairs of Russia Alexander Losjukow. The Russian diplomat at the same time did not put prognoses above it regarding the development of the internal-political situation in Japan and, as it can influence the possibility and periods of the execution of the Russian-Japanese summit. It is planned for 25 March in Irkutsk. According to specification of Japanese mass media Yoshiro Mori can communicate the issue of the post of the prime minister on on 13 March the which is approaching congress of the governing liberal-democratic party. The positions Moris came lately under effect of a whole set of sensational scandals substantially into the wanken, into which considerable personalities of the governing party led by it as well as Mitargeiter of the office with regard to foreign policy of Japan are complicated. Additionally Mori of a sharp criticism is submitted also in the LDP themselves for the fact that he permits expressions, which concern among other things history. Already several times prominent representatives of a set of countries of Asia expressed an indignation in connection with assertions of the today's Japanese prime minister. According to specification of the recent sociological questionings the level of the support for Mori constitutes about 6 per cent (unparalleled low Rating of the prime minister in the whole postwar history of the country) by the voters today.