MORE INTERNATIONALLY " KURSK" FUND CALLS WESTERN ONES OF SPONSOR FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE OPERATION FOR THE ELEVATION OF THE HAD AN ACCIDENT RUSSIAN ATOM U BOAT BRUSSELS, 2 March (of RIA Nowosti rIA-Nowosti-Korrespondent Viktor Onutschko). The international " Kursk" fund called western sponsor, one would help for the elevation of the Russian nuclear-powered submarine necessary means urgently to supply, as long as the time suitable for the execution of the operation was not missed. That comes out from a communique, which the fund in Brussels published. As is determined therein, the " Kursk" fund would have contacted all heads of the government of the European Union countries as well as Japan, Canada, Norway and the USA with the call to supply in each case 1.9 million euro which would constitute collected one half of the total necessary for the operation. The other half is to finance the Russian page. The means are necessary to prevent " over by the elevation " of the Kursk " the environmental damage radically which could be caused by the sunk nuclear-powered submarine ", is called it in the document. In the letter of the fund executive committee to the Secretary-General of the European Union advice, Javier Solana, which had supported the targets of the fund, to it that 1.9 million euro for such a important request no excessive total is, means it was referred in the communique.