IN RUSSIA A SYSTEM FOR ADMINISTRATION OF THE NATIONAL DEBT IS COMPILED MOSCOW, 2 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. In Russia the elaboration of the conception is completed to uniform system for administration the national debt. That indicated the vice-prime minister and Minister of Finance Alexej Kudrin. After its words is designated to create a multi-level system which concern themselves with macro-economic planning for the next years, financial disproportions in the household to calculate, periods for loans and restructuring of debts to intend could. The function of the system for administration of the national debt will consist of distributing the financial load of the households of different years evenly. The vice-prime minister also indicated that the Vnesheconombank (bank for external trade) is transformed, agent of the government during the operation of the foreign debts, into a commerce bank, and on its base a national agency for performances is created on the area of the foreign debts.