OF RUSSIA GOVERNMENT DISCUSSES MEASURES FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE INVESTMENT CLIMATE MOSCOW, 2 March (of RIA Nowosti rIA-Nowosti-Korrespondent Dmitri Snamenski). An improvement of the investment climate in Russia is not possible without reduction of the administrative barriers on the way to the development of employers. Avowed of Russia Prime Minister Mikhail Kasjanow on Friday in a session of the government, in which measures are discussed for the increase of the entrepreneur activity in the country. The head of the government fastened three prime data areas of this sphere to the discussion. As " particularly sensitively " it evaluated the reduction of the number of types of the activity, for which an exhibition of the license is necessary. Additionally the mode of the registration of business structures would have to be simplified and the printing to the Business by the organs of the state control to be reduced, it was said.