DANISH AND GERMAN BUSINESSMEN INVESTMENT INTO THE AREA KALININGRAD KALININGRAD, 2 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Vladimir Schirokow /. sank Petersburger institute for regional development with the elaboration of the economic programme for one the Rayons of the area Kaliningrad, Russian enclave in the Baltic, began. The program is aimed at and under participation of businessmen from Denmark and Germany is transferred the wiedergeburt of the agriculture and the Kleinbusiness in the Osjorski Rayon of this area. How one indicated the RIA to " at the administration this Rayons Nowosti ", businessmen from Denmark and Germany plan to invest means in a butter and a cheese factory as well as a machine and a tractor station. Danish and German businessmen came already twice in this year to the Rayonzentrum Osjorsk and affirmed their intentions.