DIPLOMAT FROM EU-CCountries ATTENDANCE AREA NOWOSIBIRSK NOWOSIBIRSK, 2 March (of RIA Nowosti Korr.) A Delegaton of Attaches of the messages of the European Union countries in Moscow arrived in the area Nowosibirsk. Representatives of Sweden, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, France, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Protugals, Great Britain and Germany want to announce themselves with the economic and research potential of this Siberian region. They will meet also with representatives of the local media and with them the role of the press with the production of the civilian society in Russia will discuss. The Nowosibirsker it explained governor Viktor Tolokonski with the meeting with European diplomats that the administration of the area was open " for a mutually favourable co-operation ". " Russia cannot act on the world market eternally as buyers ", so to Tolokonski. " it is good that one understands also in the west slowly. " As the governor stressed, the area had to offer some to the world market. It concerns itself thereby primarily around a complex of research institutes, on whose base different research could be organized.