ITS 70. YEAR OLD ANNIVERSARY BECOMES MIKHAIL GORBACHEV IN THE SET OF 300 FRIENDS COMMITTING MOSCOW, 2 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. Its 70jaehriges anniversary will commit the first and only president of the USSR Mikhail Gorbatschow today in the set of 300 friends in the Muscovite hotel " Grand Marriott ". As one indicated in the pressedienst of the Gorbachev fund, the invitations had been sent away to the receipt mainly to the close friends. Gorbachev was always and accompanied everywhere by its wife Raisa Maximowna. But already for the second time Mikhail Sergejewitsch commits his birthday without it. It separated in September 1999 from the life. And the loading completely determines their think of. The previous evening Mikhail Sergejewitsch said during a scientific conference, which was dedicated to the results of the Perestroika, in retort of the replication of the Politologen Wjatscheslaw Nikonow about the fact that in the anniversary celebrations " a glass of Kognak is missing to him " that " it will give Kognak tomorrow, and not a glass ". That gave the cause to the journalists to assume that Gorbachev, whom one had called for those sadly well-known anti-alcohol campaign the " mineral secretary " took parting in this regard finally from his party past. In the pressedienst one indicated that Mikhail Sergejewitsch from 12.00 to 16,00 o'clock will receive the congratulations in the Gorbachev fund. There one said not, who will come concretely, in order to congratulate to the Jubilar, and stressed one only that to the anniversary of the USSR president the former vice-Federal Chancellor Hans Dietrich Genscher had come. Meanwhile congratulations telegrams began to the father of the Perestroika from Russia and the foreign country of statesmen and society politicians, writers, scientists, to already be received simple citizen and whole collectives some days before the anniversary. In the Gorbachev fund one emphasized that Mikhail Sergejewitsch celebrates his anniversary in good form. Gorbachev, which is today a chairman of the Russian united social-democratic party, explained these days a strong, energetic people's party to the journalists that its main mission consists today of it, to create the party of young people. It underlined at the same time that it has no more intention of setting up its candidacy with the parliament and the presidency elections. How also it is today nobody becomes with committing the anniversary of the last Secretary-General of the CPSU - " the steering and prominent strength of the Soviet society, the first and only president of the USSR the thesis over the fact to disprove to be able that it in the history of our country a whole epoch - Gorbachev epoch - gave.