THE USA STRENGTHENING PRINTING ON PRESIDENTS OF THE UKRAINE - FBI BECOMES DETERMINATIONS IN THE CASE GONGADSE LEADING WASHINGTON, 2 March (of RIA Nowosti rIA-Nowosti-Korrespondent Arkadi Orlow). A delegation of the house of representatives of the USA congress, which stayed this week in Kiew, received an agreement of the Ukrainian president Leonid Kutschma for a participation of the FBI at the investigation of the circumstances of the murder at the journalist Georgi Gongadse. That indicated the delegation boss, the American congressional representative Curtis Weldon. After its words Leonid Kutschma " of suggested co-operation with the FBI would have agreed ". Thus the American security agency is gotten for the first time the right to lead official determinations on the territory sovereigns of the Ukraine. As Weldon indicated on Thursday in the USA congress, the status of the determinations of the case was Gongadse at two and a half hours is enough for discussion treated with Kutschma apart from other questions. The American legislators would have required a " global and detailed investigation " of the case. For the resolution of the Ukrainian authorities to clear the camp of the opposition in the center of Kiew stressed Weldon, which was the USA with this decision not in agreement and it required that the Ukraine keeps " the base principles of the democracy ", including the right to the meetings. The resolution of the Ukrainian authorities is " a step into the false direction ". If Kiew should not modify its attitude, " the congress of steps will undertake, around a signal to the Ukraine to address ", the congressional representative explained. It did not specify however, which it steps could concern. The official speaker of the amerikansichen external office expressed its regret on Thursday before journalists in Washington over the internal messages of the Ukrainian authorities against the camp. He called the Ukrainian government likewise, the constitutional laws and - liberties of the citizens to respect. As the speaker indicated, the USA Ambassador would have aligned George Bush into the Ukraine two days ago a verbal message of USA president at Leonid Kutschma. Therein it that the grant of the further financial assistance for the Ukraine will depend by the USA in the future on it, was called like the Ukraine " the condition keeps and the dominance of the law ensured ", so the speaker of the external office.