MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF IRAN AND TURKMENISTANS FOR EDUCATION OF A GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITY IN AFGHANISTAN TEHERAN, 2 March (of RIA Nowosti rIA-Nowosti-Korrespondent Jewgeni Sainabitdinow). For the education of a " government of the unity and the unit ", to which representatives of all nations and Voelkerschaften Afghanistan would belong, to have Iran and Turkmenien the pages entangled into the conflict called. Avowed of Iran ministers of foreign affairs the Kamal Kharrazi, which stays to an attendance in Turkmenistans capital Aschchabad, opposite the Iranian press agency IRNA. With the negotiations between the ministers of foreign affairs of Iran and Turkmeniens both pages referred to the necessity for common efforts around the re-creation of peace and peace in Afghanistan. How Kamal Kharrazi stressed, consist of Iran position of the fact that Teheran recognizes further only Burhanuddin Rabbani as the Afghan head of state officially. The Taliban should stop their fighting against the north alliance and take up a peaceful negotiation process with its Opponenten and the president in the interest of the education of legitimate power organs to Afghanistan.