SECRETARY OF DEFENSE OF CHINA: AMERICAN NATIONAL ANTI-MISSILE DEFENSE SYSTEM BECOMES CONFIDENCE BETWEEN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES UNDERMINING PEKING, 2 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Alexander Isajew /. a national anti-missile defense system, which the USA plan to unfold, will undermine the mutual confidence between different states and will exercise a negative effect on the world peace. The avowed in Peking of the Secretaries of Defense of the VRCh Chi Haotian with the receipt of the director/conductor of the office for defense of Australia Peter Wright come to an official attendance to China. " if the plans for the creation of the American national anti-missile defense system will come off, then that the strategic force balance undermined and most probably a new round of the arms race to release ", underlined Chi Haotian. " under these conditions China can not approve of the plans of Washington ", referred it. During the negotiations Chi Haotian and Peter Wright treated also questions of the development of contacts between armed forces of China and Australia, the situation in the asiatic-Pacific region and the Taiwan topic. Chi Haotian explained the fact that China for peaceful reunification of China and Taiwan due to the principle " a country - occurs two systems ". At the same time, the Secretary of Defense of the VRCh added, is China decided gesinnt to permit " independence Taiwans " not and to prevent any " separatist activity " of the island.