BUCHAREST REGARDS NATO, RUSSIA AND UKRAINE AS ITS NATURAL PARTNERS BUCHAREST, 1 March (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Gennadi Abalow). Romania will increase the defence expenditure in this year by 35 per cent, in order to fulfill the obligations taken over opposite NATO for the modernization of the army. Whereupon the Romanian president referred ion Iliescu on Thursday on a press conference in Bucharest, which applied to the results of a session of the government, in which over the preparation of the country to the entry to the North Atlantic alliance to advise became. " 85 per cent of the Romanians regard the integration into NATO as the only possibility of the guarantee of the security of the country. A similar opinion are also representatives of the political elite of Romania ", said the president. **time-out** nevertheless hold the president and the Prime Minister Romania it for necessary, with representative all political party over way and means to accelerate solution the problem the entry Romania to NATO advise. Assumed after the tunings a declaration, in which the political selection of the inhabitants of Romania will find their precipitation, it was said. Iliescu called the forthcoming contribution of Romania to NATO a measure for strengthening the peace and stability in Europe. " that is not a hostile ATS opposite eastern neighbours or otherwise someone. Bucharest regards NATO like also Russia and the Ukraine as its natural partner ", said the head of state.