CAPITALIZATION OF EES SINCE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR INCREASED ON FOUR BILLION DOLLAR MOSCOW, 1 March (RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Natalia Schmonowa). The capitalization of the Russian current company uniform energy system (EES) increased from 2.5 billion dollar at the beginning of the yearly on at present four billion dollar. Whereupon EES chairman of the board referred Anatoli Tschubais on Thursday with a meeting with leading representatives of the diplomatic missions of European Union member countries and with representatives of the prominent European societies in Moscow. The year's turnover of the company amounts to scarcely ten billion dollar. The society flat to now finally settle their debts and strike pure profits. " in the passed year EES created 34 billion rouble (scarcely 1.2 billion dollar) opposite 28.7 billion rouble one year before it. In this year still more investment means are supplied. That is the more important, as if to quiet-add only to 20 per cent by new systems to be replaced ", said Tschubais overhauled capacities.