IN GEORGIEN IT IS NOT ACKNOWLEDGED THAT A LEADER OF CHECHNIAN EXPREMISTEN IS THERE TBILISSI, 1 March. / David Imedaschwili, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. the Ministry for public security Georgiens does not acknowledge the information over the fact that Ruslan Gelajew, one is the leader of the Chechnian extremists, in Georgien. As was explained in the press facilitiy of the Ministry opposite the RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondenten, this information does not correspond allegedly to the reality. As a speaker of the Ministry indicates, Gelajew is Inguschetiens according to specification of the Georgian legal protection organs on the territory. About the fact that Gelajew is in Georgien, indicated colonel general Georgi Schpak, commander of the air landing troops of Russia on Thursday, opposite the RIA " Nowosti ". After its specification other leaders of the bandit formations, in particular Maschadow, are Schamil Bassajew and having hattab, in Chechnya, Schirwani Bassajew, brother of Schamil Bassajew, however in Turkey are treated. The general stated that the foederalen forces take necessary measures for search after the bandit leaders. It gave printout to hope that these measures are crowned with success.