UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT KUTSCHMA APPROVED OF EVACUATION OF THE CAMP IN KIEW KIEW, 1 March (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Viktor Demidenko). The Ukrainian president Leonid Kutschma positively estimated those evacuation of a camp of the users of a protest action in the city centre of Kiew by forces of the police. Before the press Kutschma said on Thursday in Kiew that the actions of the authorities were on the right moderate. " it is nevertheless well that there is power in Kiew, the Ukrainian laws keeps. " The head of state Bedauern that some delegates, who have to keep the laws as first jump over themselves not only over it, but also other one expressed in addition stimuli. The camp of the users of the protest action " Ukraine without Kutschma " had been vacated on Thursday tomorrow. During the internal message 44 persons were arrested, who had offered resistance after words of coworkers of the legal protection organs. Under the arresting give it no hurt ones, were called it in Kiew.