MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF RUSSIA TO THE CASE " PAWEL BORODIN " HANOI, 1 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). Pawel Borodin is crucial to deal with itself with its fate in the case. One does not have to look " for a harmless guilty one ". This avowed ministers of foreign affairs of Russia Igor Iwanow in retort on the question of the journalists, position for the execution of the wife of Pawel Borodin, Valentina Borodina, to take. She spoke yesterday in the program " Podrobnosti " (" details ") of the national Russian TV channel RTR. Valentina Borodina said that its man returned " 20 minutes before the takeoff from New York the flugticket, there its diplomatic pass was not set ". It changed however its decision, since someone had called and said it from the Russian State Department: " you can fly. We send the pass with diplomatic post office. " After the landing in New York Pawel Borodin in the airport was expected already by the " FBI men, who had specification of its general citizen pass and diplomatic pass ", said Valentina Borodina. Undersecretary of state of the union of Russia and white Russia Pawel Borodin was arrested as well known in this January with its arrival in New York. He wanted to take part in New York in the festivenesses on the occasion of the inauguration of the US president George Bush. For the moment Pawel Borodin sits in the prison in New York and by the Swiss public prosecutor's office because of the money laundering is sued.