BORODIN BECOMES POSSIBLE AGAINST PLEDGE DISMISSING MOSCOW, 1 March. (RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Marija Lokotezkaja). The negotiation over the distribution of the undersecretary of state of the union of Russia and white Russia, arrested in the USA, Pawel Borodin, was set for the 2 in the court Brooklin, New York, for April. The attorneys of Borodin indicated that they will submit the necessary documents to the court by 6 March. In the moment-put the attorneys of Borodin new documents forwards, on whose base the dismissal of its mandator is treated against pledge. The attorneys addressed inquiries to the Council of Ministers of the RF and the highest Council of State of the union State of inquiries and asked to submit the specification concerning the functions and the status of Pawel Borodin. The responses, signatoryly of the Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasjanow and Byelorussian president Alexander Lukaschenko, were already received. They can serve according to the attorneys as basis to take part on that the court the necessity for the highest office official, in the affairs of the state when recognizes an exclusive circumstance. That pledge could amount to 200,000 to 250,000 USD. The court hearing over the dismissal of Borodin was meanwhile not scheduled. The attorneys hope that this date is determined already today, on 1 March.