FREIWILLIGE WOOLS THE SEAT OF SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC APPROXIMATELY AROUND THE CLOCK PROTECTING BELGRADE, 1 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Alexander Slabynko). About 50 persons, who sympathize with the former president of Yugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic, met on Thursday before its seat in a noblen district of Belgrade. They want to use " people guard " approximately around the clock, in order to prevent possible arrest of Milosevic. Sinisa Vucinic, one the organizer of the internal message and member of the management of the party " Yugoslav left ones ", explained that it concerns not around a protest action, but the people protection of the Yugoslav former president. The " people guard " wants to protect Milosevic against the arrest and execution of a " produced political process ". Vucinic requested the appropriate organs not to carry out and not play with the Balkan powder barrel " the unnecessary work ", since the today's regime the risk runs to provoke a civil war. " it could occur everything ", noted it. The sources in the democratic opposition of Serbia explained beforehand in relation to the agency BETA that 10 March was determined as the last period for the arrest of Slobodan Milosevic.