COMMISSIONER OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE MET WITH MILITARY PUBLIC PROSECUTOR OF BREAK COUNTRY MOSCOW, 1 March. / Korr. of the RIA " Nowosti " /. Alvaro Gil Robles, commissioner of the Council of Europe for human rights, which undertakes a journey by Chechnya, will meet in the evening 1 March with lieutenant general of the law Mikhail Kislizyn, main military public prosecutor Russlands. The main topic of the meeting is the adherence to the human rights in Chechnya and investigation of the crimes, which were committed in this republic by military members. **time-out** with meet with Waleri Baranow, commander the combine group of forces in Nordkaukasien, which short before in Chankala hold, welcome the commissioner the Council of Europe for human right the attitude the guidance the group of forces, which its opinion after endeavor be, all case of crime, which in Chechnya of Member commit be, thorough examine. Alvaro Gil Robles met also with oh WAD Kadyrow, boss of the administration Techetscheniens. The commissioner detected on that in the Chechnian republic features of positive modifications are available.