RECESS OF CO-OPERATION WITH RUSSIA - PRIORITY OF THE COURSE WITH REGARD TO FOREIGN POLICY THAT MONGOLIA ULAN BATOR, 1 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Alexander Altman /. the development and recess of co-operation with Russia had been always one of the priorities of the course with regard to foreign policy that Mongolia. The avowed prime minister of Mongolia Nambaryn Enhbajar in its exclusive interview with RIA " Nowosti ". After its words in the last decades good conditions for continuation of the mutually favourable relations were created not only on national level, but also between the peoples of the two countries, which had connected always close gang of the friendship and fraternity. The Mongolian prime minister underlined that the official Mongolia attendance of the president became Vladimir Putin in previous autumn an important stimulus for the continuation of the dialog between our countries, which lent Mongolia and Russia an impulse to the resumption of the traditional relations between that.