STATE DEPARTMENT OF RUSSIA DOES NOT COMMENTATE EXPRESSIONS OF A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF THE RF MOSCOW, 1 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. The State Department of Russia does not commentate the expressions of representatives of other offices. The avowed today Alexander Jakowenko, director of the section information and press of the State Department of the RF, in its RIA "Nowosti" interview in connection with the expressions of yesterday lieutenant generals Wjatscheslaw of the Romanow, director/conductor of the national center for reduction of the nuclear weapon danger, to questions of strategic stability. As Jakowenko underlined, the State Department of Russia is ready to describe only assertions of the authorized representatives of the Russian state. The previous evening general Romanow on the press conference in Moscow explained among other things that Russia in the case of the withdrawal of the USA from the ABM contract is technical in a the position to seize in the context of the examination of the contracts START-1 and START-2 adequate measures for example therein what concerns rockets with multiple warheads of different basing, as well as a section of short and medium-range missiles to re-create. Romanow underlined at the same time that the political decision, if the country is placed before the fact of the destruction of the ABM contract from the year 1972 is made by the guidance of the country.