FOREIGN TRADE CONVERSION BETWEEN RUSSIA AND VIET NAM AMOUNTED IN THE YEAR 2000 TO 420 MILLION DOLLAR MOSCOW, 1 March. / RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Nadeshda Anisimowa /. the foreign trade conversion between Russia and Viet Nam had amounted in the year 2000 to 420 million US Dollar. That one indicated the RIA to " Nowosti " in the pressedienst of the Ministry for economic development and trade of the RF. The export from Russia to Viet Nam amounted to in previous year 270 million dollar, while the import 150 constituted million dollar. In the year 2000 Russia supplied like also in the preceding years energy installations, oil promotion equipment, airplane technique, truck, spare parts and other products of mechanical engineering to Viet Nam. Additionally Russia iron metals and products from it exported, fertilizers and oil products. Russian investments in Viet Nam constitute officially 1.5 billion dollar. This estimation was made without consideration of the capital stock of the Russian vietnamesischen joint undertaking " Vietsovpetro " for oil promotion, into which the Russian page had invested 1.5 billion dollar. As one emphasized in the pressedienst of the Ministry, Russia in the list of the vietnamesischen investors takes the noted workstation, and on its territory about 600 societies under vietnamesischer participation as well as over 100 agencies of vietnamesischer societies without right to business activity are registered. Like Russian foreign trade experts mean, the Viet Nam attendance of the president Vladimir Putin to the further recess of the commercialeconomic relations of Russia with this country as well as for the development of co-operation in yardsticks of the asiatic-Pacific region will contribute. Viet Nam is for Russian societies as one of the most important markets of Asia for the paragraph of energy installations, oil promotion equipment and airplane technique of interest, stresses experts.