ARMENIA PRESIDENT ARRIVES TO THE OFFICIAL ATTENDANCE IN KEIW KIEW, 1 March (of RIA Nowosti rIA-Nowosti-Korrespondent Viktor Demidenko). Armenia president Robert excrement crowd January arrives on today's Thursday to a two-day official attendance in Kiew. How RIA Nowosti in the pressedienst of the Ukrainian head of state experienced, Armeinens head of state of an invitation of the Ukrainian president follows. During the attendance the presidents are to treat a large set of questions, which concern a recess of the relations between the Ukraine and Armenia in all spheres. Large attention is given thereby perspectives of co-operation in trade and economics. In the context of the attendance an Ukrainian-Armenian contract is to be signed over economic co-operation in the years 2001 to 2010 and a package by intergovernmental agreements, among them over co-operation with the prevention of state of emergency situations and the fight their consequences, a memorandum over co-operation between the customs authorities among other things. Beyond that a contract is shot over partnership relations between the Hauptstaeadten Kiew and Jerewan. Additionally Armenia president will visit the port Odessa at the black sea and with there living Armenians will meet.