RUSSIAN MILITARY EQUIPMENT A CONTO OF THE REPAYMENT OF THE DEBTS OPPOSITE SOUTH KOREA TOKYO, 1 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Wjatscheslaw Bantin /. a group of experts of the Ministry of Defense of South Korea will visit this yearly Russia for concrete negotiations in April May over the supplies from military equipment to Soeul. To specification of informed sources in Soeul is around the supplies for a total of approximately 500 million dollar a conto the repayment of a section of the debts of Russia opposite South Korea. Representatives of the governments of Russia and the Republic of Korea signed, like the vice-prime minister of Russia in former times the RIA " Nowosti " had indicated, on 26 February in Soeul a memorandum about the supplies of military and civilian technique at South Korea a conto the repayment of the Russian debts opposite South Korea, which amounts to about 1.9 billion dollar at present. According to specification of sources in Soeul the memorandum designates the supplies for a total from 500 millions to 1.2 billion dollar. The exact total is determined, as expects, according to that for April May planned Russia journey by experts of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Korea. According to specification of the South Korean press Soeul at the acquisition is primarily of some military transport aircrafts and - helicopters as well as a military militaertankflugzeuges with Russia interests.