TOP REPRESENTATIVE OF THE WITH THE ELECTIONS TRIUMPHING MOLDAUI COMMUNIST OVER TRANSNISTRIEN PROBLEM CHISINAU, 1 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Georgi Stoilik /. the necessity for the stage-wise regulation of the Transnistrien problem (Transnistrien - a proclaimed republic on the territory of the Moldau) explained Vladimir Woronin, top representative with the parliamentary elections in the Moldau communist triumphed, on the press conference in Chisinau. Woronin suggested to the guidance of Tiraspol formulating clear Transnistrien which concrete authority would like to keep. That must become its opinion after for the starting point of the negotiations. On 1 March the beginning of the armed conflict jaehrt itself 1992 between the Moldau and Transnistrien for the ninth time. Owing to the switching by Russia on 21 July of the same yearly in the Kremlin the agreement over principles of the peaceful regulation of the Transnistrien conflict was signed. Since that time one does not shoot on the Dnestr banks. The members of the peace contingents of Russia, the Moldau, Transnistriens as well as military observer of the Ukraine keep the stable situation in the security zone, which separates the rivaling pages still, upright. In the earlier front city Bendery was removed the output prohibition. With Dubossary one began with work on the reconstruction of the last in the days of the conflict destroyed Dnestr bridge. But the actual negotiations between the guidance of Chisinau and Tiraspol over final solution of the Transnistrien problem do not execute themselves after the political crisis drawn into the length in the Moldau for over one year. On 25 February you were set after the victory of the communists of the republic with the preferred parliamentary elections an end. In Tiraspol one does not hurry with the statement of its position. The guidance Transnistriens is ready to only then continue the peaceful dialog if becomes finally clear, who will dress the leading posts in Chisinau.