COMMERCIALECONOMIC CO-OPERATION BETWEEN RUSSIA AND VIET NAM HANOI, 1 March. / RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Marianna Schatichina /. the presidents of Russia and Viet Nam agreed upon to lend to the work of the Russian vietnamesischen government commission3 a new impulse. That indicated the president of Russia Vladimir Putin on the press conference in Hanoi. He emphasized that Russia and Viet Nam within political area have practically no diversities of opinion, and referred to the fact that the main part of the negotiations questions had been dedicated to commercialeconomic co-operation. How Putin stressed, there are many unused reserves in this direction. After its words that cannot fit the two pages that the foreign trade conversion between the two countries did not rise in the year 2000 practically, although in Russia and in Viet Nam increased code digits were to be registered economic growth. As the Russian president means, the cadre potential is one of the reserves for the activation of economic co-operation. It reminded of the fact that many Vietnamesen in the Soviet Union and Russia had studied and Russian well to control. We are obligated not to forget this potential not only but to maintain, Putin explained. The presidents of the two countries agreed over the fact that they will groesstmoeglich contribute to the reinforcement of co-operation in the economic sector. The energetik is, underlined the Russian head of state, not the only area, within which co-operation is possible. There are good reserves in the agrarian agrariancomplexagrarian complex, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, within the range of high technologies and during the space development. Additionally Viet Nam can become after words PUT in to an attractive zone for Russian tourism. The president of Russia explained also the necessity for the reinforcement of co-operation between regions of the two countries.