OF RUSSIA GOVERNMENT TREATS DEVELOPMENT RESULTS IN THE PAST YEAR MOSCOW, 1 March (of RIA Nowosti rIA-Nowosti-Korrespondent Dmitri Snamenski). The year 2000 was the most successful year of the Russian economy for ten years, in the interest of the guarantee of a stable economic growth would have however the government within a short time fundamental bases to create. That placed of Russia Prime Minister Mikhail Kasjanow on Thursday at the beginning of a cabinet meeting, in which the results of the socialeconomic development of the country in the past year and functions are to be discussed for the current year. In this year, so the head of the government, must be locked the Realiisierung of the tax revision in Russia. To initiate measures are for the reduction of the administrative obstacles in the economy. This question is treated on Friday particularly in a special meeting of the cabinet. Beyond that the reform of the tariff policies and the natural monopolies must be concluded. " ALL affects itself in a considerable way the speed of the economic growth in the country out ", explained the prime minister. The Minister cabinet must itself also in one of the most sensitive areas of the Russian Wirtwschaft, in which, determine reform of the local economy, stressed Mikhail Kasjanow.