RUSSIA AND VIET NAM FOR SECURITY IN THE ASIATIC-CPacific SPACE HANOI, 1 March (of RIA Nowosti Sonderkorrespondentin Marianna Schatichina). Russia and Viet Nam attach extraordinarily great importance to the problems of the guarantee of security and strengthening the confidence in the asiatic-Pacific space. That comes out from one of presidents Vladimir Putin and tran Duc Luong on Thursday in Hanoi signed assertion over the strategic partnership. As it means in the document, the pages assume a stationing of closed block systems of the anti-missile defense for the theater regional stability negatively and security could affect and lead to a new round of the arms race. Russia and Viet Nam stress the importance of consultation between the union of the states of Southeast Asia (ASEAN) and the five nuclear weapon-possessing states and support its continuation over the available channels in the interest of as imminent a signing of a log as possible to the contract over the nuclear weapon-free zone in Southeast Asia, which would lead to the emergence of a nuclear weapon-free zone in this region, to strengthening the regime on 1 July 1968 in Geneva of signed contract across the nichtweiterverbreitung of nuclear weapons and for progressing to a nuclear weapon-free world. it is called, appreciates the pages in the assertion the role of such regional forums like asiatic-Pacific restaurant co-operation, the ASEAN, the ASEAN Regionalforum, the Schanghai forum with the creation of a favorable climate for the guarantee of a multilateral and mutually favourable co-operation in the asiatic-Pacific space.