KASYANOV SATISFIED WITH DUMA VOTE MOSCOW, 14 March. /Corr. RIA Novosti/ -- Russian Prime Minister told journalists today that he had reacted "entirely calmly" to the results of the no confidence vote in his government, which had been earlier defeated, while he thanked those factions and deputies who had either voted against the motion or abstained. The premier went on to explain why he had not been present at the State Duma during the voting. According to him, he did not participate, as he viewed today's events as "the challenge of one faction", rather than an invitation from the Duma as a whole to discuss the essence of the country's problem. Kasyanov said that the Communists' claims were well-known, while he added that he had discussed these issues on two occasions with Gennady Zyuganov. The Prime Minister stressed that the Government had "principled differences" with the Communist Party in relation to the issues in question, adding that "we are not about to change our principles." In an answer to a RIA Novosti question, Kasyanov emphasised that he hoped for positive cooperation between the Government and the lower chamber of parliament in the future. According to the premier, he and Duma speaker Gennady Seleznyov had discussed the need for the Prime Minister to be present in parliament for debates concerning plans to adopt a series of priority bills, which the Government hopes will be passed before the end of the spring session. These projects had been worked out during the meeting today and the priorities selected. Kasyanov confirmed that he was prepared to participate in Duma sessions "in any format to agree to the adoption of priority bills." Above all, these documents are connected with the taxation sphere, which is a condition of considering next year's budget, as well as the Land Code and social issues.