YUGOSLAV SECURITY FORCES COMPLETE DEPLOYMENT IN BUFFER ZONE ALONG MACEDONIAN BORDER BELGRADE, March 14. /Alexander Slabynko, RIA Novosti Correspondent/. Units of Yugoslav consolidated security forces have completed deployment in part of the buffer zone along the Yugoslav-Macedonian border. The units are stationed in predetermined locations. Liaison with KFOR, the international peacekeeping force in Kosovo, is being established. Representatives of the European Union and KFOR observers mission observed the deployment. US helicopters assigned to the KFOR were also employed. On the Yugoslav side, the deployment was observed by Chief of General Staff of Yugoslav Armed Forces, Colonel General Nebojsa Pavkovic, Commander of the Third Army, General Vladimir Lazarevic, and Commander of the Pristina Corps, General Radojko Stefanovic. No incidents were reported during the deployment of security forces.