US SPY MANIA CONTINUED: CLINTON, LEWINSKY AND RUSSIAN SPIES SAN FRANCISCO, March 14, 2001. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Vladislav Dunayev/. Russia knew all about the liaison between ex-US President Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky through its secret agents two years before the fact became known in the USA, asserts Richard Sale of the UPI, who specializes in terrorist-related problems. According to Sale, who made this statement on Fox Channel, the information was supplied by US secret services. Sale assumes that the only way the Russian side could have procured such information was by means of installing bugs in the presidential airplane and Lewinsky's apartment. Listening to the contents of more than 70 hours of taped telephone conversations between Clinton and Lewinsky, one can hear the ex-president warn Monica about the possible bugging of their talks. Considering that Robert Hanssen of the FBI, who was recently arrested on suspicion of espionage in the interests of Russia, used to deal with this type of information, Sale believes Russian spies must have been fully aware of the telephone conversations that took place between Clinton and Lewinsky.