RUSSIA: MEDIA SHOULD NOT BE A TOOL FOR REVIVING NAZISM AND INTERNATIONAL TERROR MOSCOW, March 14, 2001. /From a RIA Novosti correspondent/. The media should not be used as a tool for spreading rightist extremism, reviving Nazism, and stimulating international terrorism which challenges European security. These fundamental approaches have been formulated by Russian delegation at the OSCE conference held on March 12-13 in the Vienna headquarters. The meeting was held in the human framework under the title Freedom of Expression: New and Current Challenges. According to the information and press department of the Foreign Ministry, the Russian delegation also accentuated mutual dependence between freedom of speech and expression on the one hand, and responsibility of journalists and media on the other. Besides, the Russian side emphasised concerns over the situation around Russian-language media in some OSCE countries, first of all, in the Baltic states. Among the conferees were experts from 55 countries members of the OSCE, numerous journalists, and representatives of international and national non-governmental organisations.