RUSSIA OFFERS NEW DIABETES MEDICINE MOSCOW, MARCH 13 (from RIA Novosti's Lyubov Sobolevskaya) - Joint efforts by Russian chemical and medical researchers were crowned with the invention of ransulin, a new diabetes medicine, Nikolai Platee, prominent chemist and Chief Academic Secretary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, announced to its Presidium session. Ransulin is a pioneer preparation for administration in pills, while injections were previously the only method of taking insulin. Inhalations and all other methods available for today are not efficient enough. An insulin-gel compound, ransulin is delivered to the alimentary canal by a polymere gel. A first stage of its clinical tests is successfully over. Academician Platee also mentioned approaches to pioneer hepatitis treatment, and beginning experiments on other albumen preparations, in particular, growth hormones. The latter research is of extreme importance, said Academician Alexander Spirin, who expects the new medicines not merely to bring the right substance to the right organ but move the body to produce necessary substances. These fundamental studies promise a medical breakthrough, added Academician Evgeni Chazov.