RUSSIA, DENMARK KEEP IN CONTACT FOR SECURITY, STRATEGIC STABILITY MOSCOW, MARCH 13, RIA NOVOSTI - Russia and Denmark are determined to carry on a dialogue on strategic stability, security and all other topical issues, pointed out Igor Ivanov and Mogens Lykketoft, respective Russian and Danish Ministers of Foreign Affairs, as they met at the negotiation table. Such a dialogue is essentially important in all fields, whether the two countries share stances on them or have differences of opinion. A dialogue with due consideration for each other's interests is the only way to arrive at mutually acceptable decisions, Mr. Ivanov said to newsmen after the negotiations. The two countries will do their utmost to step up their political dialogue at high and the lower levels. All agencies, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs included, will work for closer ties. The negotiators were glad to highlight bilateral trade reviving, with last year's billion US dollar turnover. They agreed to promote commercial and other economic links and settle whatever problems may arise, said Igor Ivanov. Moscow and Copenhagen will work for closer political and economic partnership at national and subregional levels alike, added Mr. Lykketoft.