MOSCOW PAYS LAST RESPECTS TO FAMOUS TV PERSONALITY MOSCOW, March 13. /RIA Novosti Correspondent/. On March 13, Moscow paid its last respects to Vladimir Voroshilov, a well-known television director, member of the Russian Television Academy, and the creator and anchorman of Chto? Gde? Kogda? quiz show. The civil funeral was held at the Chto? Gde? Kogda? filming locale in Neskuchny Sad, Moscow downtown. Friends and colleagues, along with numerous fans of Voroshilov's talent and this absorbing TV show came to pay him their last respects. Voroshilov will be buried in the Vagankovskoye Cemetery. Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov died on March 10 at the age of 70 in his country house in Predelkino. His spouse, Natalya Stetsenko, told reporters the death had been caused by a heart attack. Russian President Vladimir Putin offered his condolences to Voroshilov's family.