RUSSIA'S SECURITY COUNCIL SECRETARY SERGEI IVANOV LEAVES FOR USA MOSCOW, MARCH 13, 2001. /From RIA Novosti Correspondent Olga Semenova/. Before leaving for Washington on Tuesday afternoon Secretary of the Russian Security Council Sergei Ivanov expressed hope that his working visit will promote the stabilization of relations between Russia and the United States. According to the press service of the Russian Security Council, Ivanov stressed that "it is necessary to do the maximum possible for the Russian-American relations to be stable, pragmatic and that they take into account mutual interests and the responsibility that both countries are bearing." In the opinion of the Russian Security Council Secretary, the first steps made in the context of relations between the USA and Russia after the new US Administration came to power, including the exchange of messages and the telephone conversation between the presidents of the two countries, "inspire certain optimism." "I hope,"said Sergei Ivanov, "that the current visit, too, will serve to promote regular and fruitful Russian-American contacts aimed at building up trust and mutual understanding between Russia and the USA." "I think that we should use every possibility for moving forward -- to the joint definition of priorities and parameters of our inter-action, the practical launching of a full-format bilateral dialogue on the agenda and at every level," stressed Sergei Ivanov. He said that of utmost importance will in this connection be the "early organization of the first meeting between the Presidents of Russia and the USA. The program of Sergei Ivanov's working visit to the USA, which will last until March 16, provides for his meetings with US Secretary of State Colin Powell and the US President's National Security Adviser Condolleezza Rice.