CYPRIAN PARLIAMENTARY SPEAKER: RUSSIA-CYPRUS RELATIONS MAKING PROGRESS MOSCOW, March 13, 2001. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Nikolai Venediktov/. Speaker of the Cyprian House of Representatives Spyros Kyprianou qualified the development of Russia-Cyprus relations as rather successful. He said this to reporters following a meeting with Speaker Yegor Stroyev of Russia's Federation Council /upper parliamentary house/. "It can be referred to nearly all the spheres," he stressed. Mr Kyprianou noted that his country highly valued Russia's role in the Cyprian settlement. He added that during the meeting in the Federation Council the Cyprian officials could once again feel warmth, friendship and solidarity on the part of Russians. In turn, Yegor Stroyev spoke of Russia's commitment to support Cyprus in its aspiration for unification.