MOSCOW TO HOST HAIRDRESSING CHAMPIONSHIP AND INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL MOSCOW, March 13, 2001. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Yevgenia Yakuta/. The Russian capital is getting ready to host a Moscow championship and an international festival to choose the best hair stylists and makeup experts. According to the Moscow City Hall, the objective of both events, which are being organised by the Moscow and Russian unions of hairdressers and cosmetologists, the Wella Dolores Beauty Salon and the International Confederation of the Hairdressing Trade, is to popularize the hairdressing trade and raise the prestige and the qualification of specialists engaged in the hairdressing business. Both events will be accompanied by selling exhibitions featuring all kinds of makeup, perfumery, equipment and accessories. Prominent hair stylists will host shows and master classes. Moscow authorities have promised organisational support, including street banners to advertise both events, discounts for hotel accommodation for festival participants and a cultural program for guests and participants in the festival and the championship. The City Hall also promises to ensure the participation of Moscow's hairdressing and makeup salons in both events.