THE PRIORITY TASKS OF THE RUSSIAN INTERIOR MINISTRY IS TO COMBAT TERRORISM AND ORGANISED CRIME VORONEZH, March 13. /RIA Novosti correspondent/. The tasks which Russian President Vladimir Putin set to the law enforcement bodies in 2001 differ little from those last year, said Interior Minister Vladimir Rushailo who arrived in Voronezh (an administrative centre to the south of Moscow) on an inspection visit. The Interior Minister pointed out that priority task remained the same - to combat terrorism, organised crime and illegal sale of arms and explosives. This year, just as in 2000, great importance is attached to combatting crimes in the sphere of the economy, said Rushailo. According to him, the task which was set by the President has been partially accomplished - last year over 376,000 economic crimes were disclosed, 23.9 percent more than in 1999. As to another priority line in the Interior Ministry's activity, that is combatting illegal sale of drugs, successes have also been achieved in this sphere. Last year, more than 46,000 tons of drugs, psychotropic and other drastic medicines were confiscated from illegal sale, that is, 12.6 percent more than in 1999. But an increase in the share of strong drugs is worrying. Last year, militiamen withdrew about 800 kilogrammes of heroin from illegal sale, pointed out Vladimir Rushailo. -O- (kos/ter) 13/03/01 12:24